"From the height of its shape like a star. Clear water without garbage fill this lake. This is a very beautiful star lake in Pianemo coral islands, Raja Ampat.
In addition to the formation of coral islands are beautiful, there's more other sights that tourists must visit, namely Tanjung Bintang. It is located in the cluster of coral island Pianemo.
Once arrived at the coral island chain Pianemo, this does not mean you can go straight to Tanjung Bintang. Every tourist who comes first should report to reporting centers in Pianemo.
In this hall, a guide will take part in your boat and guide while in Pianemo. Only then tourists can explore the various islands of coral"

Begitu tiba di puncak bukit, barulah Tanjung Bintang terlihat. Ini adalah daratan pulau karang di sekitar laut dan membentuk lautan dengan kolam seperti bintang.
Dari ketinggian, Tanjung Bintang tampak sangat indah. Warna biru laut tampak mempesona mata.
