"While not providing soft white sand as usual we get on the beach in Indonesia , Kedung Tumpang Beach remains a very attractive place to play. Playground provided by this beach form natural pools in the rocks. Kedung tumpang beach, we can swim spoiled in the sun

The amount of the existing natural rock pool at the beach is not just one but several. That said, natural pools formed by the collision of the South Coast of strong waves. As we know, the South Coast is known to have waves are quite ferocious when compared to other beaches on the island of Java, even Indonesia"

Selain gugusan karang yang dipenuhi lubang alami di sana-sini, di sekitar Pantai Kedung Tumpang kita juga akan menemukan sebuah air terjun. Debit air di air terjun ini memang tidak besar namun cukup berbilas. Lokasi air terjun ini berada di ujung barat Pantai Kedung Tumpang.
