" Balangan beach famous for the enchanting beauty of unspoiled beaches, and also a favorite location of the world-class surfers. Because it has a fairly high waves, long and large, this beach is perfect for surfers who like a challenge. Balangan beach sand texture feels a little rough, because it's not as smooth sand beaches that type of flour

There are some supporting facilities a tourist attraction that has been built around the beach. Visitors can rest in peace, while sunbathing enjoy the sun during the day. Visitors can rent a lounger in locally owned accommodation. There is also a cafe which is managed by the local community. The menu offered a very varied"

Untuk yang ingin berfoto-foto mengabadikan setiap moment di pantai Balangan adalah pilihan favorit bagi para pengunjung. Selain itu di pantai Balangan ini juga merupakan spot favorit bagi mereka yang ingin foto prewedding di Bali. Pasir putihnya yang belum terjamah dengan latar belakang bukit menghijau, sangat mendukung suasana pemotretan.
