"If you want to find a nice beach and with a calmer atmosphere, Ora Beach could be one option.

The beach is still quiet from the crowds of the tourist offer and the natural beauty of the sea like in the Maldives. Saleman in a remote village, North Seram, Maluku Tengah, apparently hidden 'heaven' which is not yet widely known to many people of Indonesia. A number of addicts traveling from home and abroad have never felt beautiful Ora Beach and almost all said amazed by the experience. On this beach, in addition you can enjoy a clean beach and clear, you can also see the beauty of the underwater snorkeling and diving"

Bukan hanya keindahan alamnya yang tidak kalah dengan Maladewa, Ora Beach Resort juga menawarkan penginapan terapung cantik layaknya di Maladewa. Jadi, kamu akan langsung disambut pemandangan air laut saat membuka pintu kamar di pagi hari.
Buat kamu pecinta snorkeling, Pantai Ora juga punya keindahan bawah laut yang menakjubkan dengan ratusan terumbu karang yang masih asli. Belum lagi kehadiran ikan-ikan kecil cantik di sekitar terumbu karang.
