" Many tourists are amazed at the beauty of this beach, even a lot of foreign tourists who often took time for camping in the Gulf-Bolu Bolu. Visitors can set up a tent to spend the night on the beach and watch the early morning view of a very dear if missed. Tourists can capture the moment view of the sunrise from behind the hills not far from the lip-Bolu Bolu Beach. On the beach is also very nice for a spot image capture, let alone the pre-wedding photos. Here, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of snorkeling while underwater. Ornamental fish, coral and other marine life found in the Gulf of Bolu Bolu-very beautiful and ready to pamper your eyes."

Pantai Bolu-Bolu terletak di Dusun Lenggoksono, tepatnya di Desa Purwodadi, Kecamatan Tirtoyudo, Kabupaten Malang. Untuk menuju ke Pantai Bolu-Bolu, kita bisa mengikuti arah menuju Pantai Lenggoksono dan Pantai Wediawu karena berada di kawasan yang sama. Ketiga pantai ini dikenal sebagai Pantai Bowele (singkatan dari Bolu-Bolu Wediawu Lenggoksono). Dari Kota Malang, bisa ditempuh dari Dampit menuju arah Tirtoyudo. Setelah memasuki Kecamatan Tirtoyudo, lalu berbelok ke kanan di pertigaan Tangsi, Desa Tirtoyudo. Kondisi jalan sampai Lenggoksono sudah mulus beraspal, hanya saja ruas jalannya cukup sempit.
