"Indeed Kedung this Overlapping beach tourist place has its own charm and it may not be found on the beaches of East Java, visitors can enjoy the pools formed naturally in the cluster of the Rock on the beach. Visitors can bathe and swim in small ponds that exist on the shoreline, but remains cautious because of the facilities in this tourist spot is still minimal hope is understandable because these attractions are still relatively new, the future might be better. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the natural pools, visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the Niagara minor residing in Kedung Tumpang Beach"

Mungkin jika anda ingin berkunjung ke Pantai Kedung Tumpang ini anda harus dalam kondisi prima karena perjalanan menuju Pantai Kedung Tumpang cukup menguras tenaga anda pasalnya jalannya sedikit nanjak dan harus melewati bukit dengan fasilitas keamanan berupa tai pegangan yang bisa di lewati oleh satu pengunjung, jangan harap ada tangga buatan karena Pantai ini tergolong tempat wisata baru dan fasilitas masih sangat minim.
