"Bridge of Love is a bridge connecting the island Tidung Large and Small Tidung Island in the Thousand Islands. Bridge known as the Bridge of Love has become one of the places frequented for tourists. The bridge length is approximately 800 meters. From the bridge made of wood, tourists can see the sights in the sea such as coral reefs and fish that swim agile on the sides of the bridge. When the morning or afternoon, this bridge becomes a romantic place to see the sunrise or sunset. You can also test the courage to jump into the sea from the Bridge of Love which is about eight meters "

Pada Saat menelusuri Jembatan Cinta ini,kita akan menjumpai bagian jembatan yang cukup tinggi,kurang lebih delapan meter dari permukaan laut dengan dasar laut sekitar empat sampai lima meter dengan kondisi air yang jernih serta arus laut yang relatif tenang. Berbicara soal Mitos, konon bagi setiap wisatawan yang loncat dari jembatan cinta ini dipercaya akan menemukan cinta sejatinya dengan cepat.
