"Ngeden beach or Ngedan slowly taking shape and ready to be one attractive option Gunung beach tourism. Now equipped substation temporary resting lodge for visitors, parking areas, as well as food and drink stalls. In the west there is a path extending connected to the garden and beautiful coral reefs with relay Pandang on it. The west side of the cliff there Nglimun Beach. The area is suitable for camping and fishing"

Lokasi Pantai Ngeden atau Pantai Ngedan terletak di Padukuhan Bedalo Desa Krambilsawit Kecamatan Saptosari Kabupaten Gunungkidul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.Pantai berpasir putih ini dulu memiliki nama Ngedan namun agar lebih populer dan gampang diingat kini menjadi Ngeden dimana huruf e pertama dibaca atau diucapkan seperti suku kata kedua pada kata “Desember"
