"Beautiful views from the hilltop Pianemo quite amazing and has never been found in the other hemisphere. From the top of this hill Travelers can see a stretch of coral islands of various sizes. One of them is the island Wayag, as if seen from the top of the hill looks like a shadow Wayag, then by the local people called the island puppet whose name is now known throughout the world. And coral reefs are unique in this area will still be living high every year more and more visible"

Disekitar karang Bukit Pianemo bisa dilihat dasar laguna berwarna hijau toska. Dan pemandangan langka yang eksotis tersebut membuat orang terlena dan ingin berlama lama menikmati keindahanya . Untuk menuju lokasi tempat wisata terkenal ini kalau dari Kota Waisai Ibukota Raja Ampat masih membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam perjalanan air dengan menggunakan kapal motor speed boat.
